This lady is reason for the name ‘La Rosa” She was a Mexican Native, she brought her kids to America in search of a better life for them. She fought tooth and nail for work, living on next to nothing. Sacrificing everything for her children, grandchildren, and living long enough to tell her story to her great grandkids. I hope to one day be as great as she was and still is in my heart. She was brutally honest and had the biggest heart. She would feed everyone, “Hungry? Want to eat?” Coming from nothing, she always wanted to help and give. You’d hardly ever see her sitting, whether with little ones or tending to her roses. Some of the biggest most beautiful roses I’d ever seen. She was constantly Changing from one mode to another. I’m full of Gratitude for this woman, without her there is no me. She is my rose. She is the embodiment of La Rosa.

Juana Nunes Espinoza, Ama
2/8/1926 - 6/9/2021

My other Rose and partner in life who without, this would not be possible is Tama Chipp. We met in 2013 while working at Tobi’s Tattoo, I couldn’t help myself she would stomp everywhere and was very boisterous! As for me, just look at me! I’m like a fine Mexican Stallion of course she wasn’t going to pass me up! Ha! So began our courtship into the well oiled machine we are today. Not really, but together we are better versions of ourselves. We’re a work in progress.

After years of consideration we decided to make our dreams a reality. Together we established “La Rosa Tattoo Company”  8/17/2021 

Tama Chipp, Gus Espinoza